Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Convert an EDI 816 to Excel CSV File

Jobisez created another translation tool.  This new tool converts an EDI 816 to CSV file.  The Organization Relationship transaction set is sent by the retailers, and it contains store location information.

The EDI 816 typically contains Store Name, Duns or GLN number, Address, City, State Zip and Country.  It may also contain Contact Name, Phone, Fax and Email Address.  As well as Effective, Opening and Closing Dates of that Store.

If you do not have a Jobisez account, you can create an account for free.  Then visit the 816 Conversion page.  If you are already signed onto Jobisez, you can "Browse" for an EDI 816 transaction set on your computer and create an Excel file by clicking "Create CSV". Then wait a couple of moments and your initial and translated files will be emailed to you. Upon the receipt of the email, you can then open the CSV file attachment using Excel. Within Excel you can then analyze the Organization Relationships data using the Excel tools you are already familiar with. Please verify that the data generated is correct. (Currently only works with one 'ISA' interchange. The EDI data cannot be more than 250 KCs.)

Visit this page to learn more about the EDI 816 transaction set.

Please respond to this blog post with any questions you may have.

Thank you.


Stephen Burch said...

FYI: The "EDI Online Translation" tool has been upgraded to handle any transaction set, http://www.jobisez.com/services/tools/edi-to-online-csv.aspx

It has also been accompanied with the "EDI Online Lookup" system which enables you to view all your uploaded EDI, http://www.jobisez.com/services/doctrack/view.aspx

Read more about this here, http://blog.jobisez.com/2015/04/translate-edi-interchanges-into-online.html

Steve R said...

QIF and CSV are two types of data files. While the CSV format is associated with database files, the QIF format is used to store financial data.
excel dashboard software

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